Zesty.io Brand Assets & Style Guide

When using the Zesty.io logo in any web presentation, from applications to blog articles, we expect you to hot link to one of links provided below. This way if our logo ever changes, it will update everywhere.


Primary Logo to be used as stand alone element. Can be used on either a light and dark background.

Vertical Logo

The vertical logo should be the first impression a user experiences in an application. For example in both the Web Application and ATOM plugin, this logo is used on the login screen.

Logomark Light

This light version of the Zesty.io Logomark should be used over dark backgrounds.

Horizontal Logo

Horizontal version of the logo with name and brand mark.

Social App Icon

To be used as the icon for platforms that turn profile avatars into a circle like Twitter and Facebook.

App Icon

This icon is in a transparent perfect square. Alternate icon for application that look better with the transparent logo like Github and Authy.

Logomark Dark

Used in as accounts.zesty.io favicon to distinguish between the manager app tabs and accounts. Is also used when printing a flat color on physical mediums like t-shirt or vinyl stickers.

Vertical Light

Vertical logo for use with dark backgrounds. Example ATOM editor.

Horizontal Light

Horizontal logo for use over a dark background.

Vertical Dark

All dark vertical logo. Used for print when color is not available.

Horizontal Dark

All dark horizontal logo. Used for print when color is not available.

Horizontal Light Color

For in application use with dark applications.

Vertical Light Color

For in-application use with dark applications.